
Your company has landed a new, highly-profitable contract. Unfortunately, you don’t have the cashflow to sustain the upfront costs of completing the project.
Factoring uses your invoice as collateral, giving you the cash you need up-front.
  • Get immediate cash
  • Short-term
  • Based on the client’s credit, not yours
  • No equity required
Complete your project with your credit intact.

Asset-Based Line of Credit (ABL)

Your company is growing. You want to take on an important opportunity, but that would require the company to stretch past its liquidity.
An ABL uses your assets as collateral, giving you needed cash to grow.
  • Less risk
  • Lower interest rates
  • Quick and easy to obtain
  • Fewer covenants
Whether your growth was planned or happened suddenly, you can get the cash you need to sustain your upward movement.

Litigation Financing

Litigation finance redistributes all or a portion of the financial risk of litigation to the litigation funder. The capital provided by a litigation funder can be used not only to pay for the attorneys’ fees and expenses associated with prosecuting or defending a legal action but also for business operations or to pay down or refinance debt. Litigation finance thus frees up companies to allocate their capital resources to their highest and best use, investing in projects that optimize returns and promote economic growth.

Equipment Loans/Lease

Your company needs a new piece of equipment, but doesn’t have the funds to purchase it.
An equipment loan uses the piece of equipment as collateral, allowing you to get the tools you need.
  • Different loans for every industry
  • Easy to qualify
  • Preserve cash flow
  • Lower rates
Obtaining the equipment you need will help you increase your revenue and add to your net value.

Government Funding

In times of financial turmoil, the government may offer long- or short-term funding packages.
Every package is different, but you may qualify for assistance. We’ll help determine if the packages are right for you and get your application in quickly.

Business/Merchant Cash Advance

Business/Merchant Cash Advances are not loans, but are an exchange of upfront capital, sold at a discount, based on the future sales of your credit card receivables.
In other words, we take a percentage of your daily credit card sales and have that amount sent to us on each day that you have sales. What’s great about this system is that you don’t have to pay out a large set amount on slow days, months, or seasons.
In most cases, the maximum cash advance you can receive is 125% of your average monthly credit card sales. So, for example, if you have $8000 in average monthly sales, the most that can be advanced to you is $8000 x 125% = $10,000.
Requirements for Business Cash Advances:
  • In business for at least 30 days.
  • Have at least $4000 of credit card sales each month.
  • A physical business location.
  • Good standing with your business lease.
  • No open bankruptcies.
  • All tax liens must be on a payment plan.
  • A separate business bank account.
Business Cash Advances typically range from $3000 – $2,000,000, and costs are based on rate factors of 1.12 – 1.29. What that means is that let’s say you have a rate factor of 1.15, you will pay back $150 in cost for every $1000 that is advanced to you.
Factors are based on the amount you are financing, the estimated payment term of 6-18 months, and risk.

SBA Loans

SBA stands for the Small Business Administration, and is a United States government agency that provides loans, training, and support to entrepreneurs and small businesses.
The SBA partners with banks, credit unions, and other lenders such as Stellar to provide small business funding. You can choose from No Collateral Express Loans and a 2 – 4 week wait time for approval, or a Collateralized 7(a) Loan for a 2 – 6 month approval wait.
SBA Loan Requirements:
  • Owners must be US citizens.
  • No previous default on any government-backed loan including student loans.
  • No outstanding judgements or delinquent taxes owed to the IRS.
  • Startups accepted.
  • Detailed business plan.
  • Full documentation including profit loss and balance sheet.
  • Sufficient collateral to cover loan amount for 7(a) Loans.
  • Down payment of 10% or Capital Injection for purchase transactions.
For Express Loans, the maximum amount is $25,000 and maximum term is 10 years.
For 7(a) Loans, amounts go from $250,000 – $5,000,000, with full collateral including personal real estate, and terms of 5 – 25 years. For more requirements and info, go to our SBA Loan Programs page.

Mobilization Funding

Mobilization Funding is an option for you if you are working or bidding on a job larger than your normal project scope.
We can help you gain the working capital you need to keep your bids competitive and your project’s cash flow running smoothly from start to finish.
Mobilization Funding Steps :
  • Let us know the scope, company history, and the amount of capital you are needing.
  • Send over copy of contract or purchase order.
  • Provide requested tax documents and additional financial documents
  • Accept term sheet and sign final contract
This cash advance alternative is a short term loan with terms usually around 180 days. Your exact rates will be outlined in your term sheet which allows you to make an accurate decision prior to contractual commitment.
Advantages include being able to borrow on multiple contracts and get the up front funding you need to get your job started and keep it financially secure.

Credit Card Processing

We are involved with the Credit Card Processing industry, not for profit, but so we can process cash advances… and we can pass savings on to you.
You don’t have to switch, but you may want to change to a credit card processor that works with all cash advance lenders, especially if you plan to get more advances in the future.
We can give you a free quote on credit card processing whether you’re requesting a cash advance or not. Switching is easy and basically involves reprogramming over the phone.

Small Business Loans

Business Loans are unsecured, short term, and have fixed payments that we automatically debit each day or week.
Generally, the maximum offer for a business loan is 10% of annual sales, which is documented by your business bank deposits. As an example, if you average $40,000/month for 6 months, that projects out to $480,000/year x 10% = $48,000 for the maximum approved offer.
Requirements for a Commercial Business Loan:
  • In business for at least 6 months.
  • Average gross monthly sales of $10,000+.
  • Minimum credit score of 500 for business owner.
  • Limited NSF’s and negative bank balance days.
  • Positive closing bank balances.
  • In good standing with business lease.
  • Tax liens on payment plan.
  • Cash and check sales… credit cards sales not required.
Commercial Business Loan amounts typically range from $5000 – $2,00,000, with repayment terms of 6 – 24 months, and rates between 14 – 30%. For more information about this program, go to our Short Term Business Loans page.

The Right Financial Package is Out There

We’ll help you get it.