Learn Your Liquidity

Keep your business healthy and your financing affordable with our free Liquidity Assessment.

 Don’t know your liquidity? You should.

Knowing your business’ liquidity–its ability to pay off short-term liabilities–will help you find the right balance of meeting financial obligations and growth. Our free, one-hour call will help you understand your liquidity and make a plan for moving forward.

UNDERSTAND YOUR RATIOS: There’s more than one way to calculate and understand your liquidity. We’ll help you look at every angle and see what it says about your business’ health.
SECURE BETTER FINANCING: Your liquidity ratios are a key aspect of your business’ risk factor. Better ratios=better financing offers.
MAKE A PLAN FOR GROWTH: There’s a fine line between being liquid enough to cover liabilities and being so liquid that you miss opportunities to grow. We’ll help you find the right balance.

One call is all it took!

“I knew we were too light on cash, but I wasn’t sure how to fix it. One call with Liquid Ally helped me understand exactly what I needed to do to balance it out. He even helped me set up KPIs so I could stay on top of it in the future. Thanks, Pete!”

Kelli Barrett
BMF Fitness

Looking for a bellwether of your success?

Look no further than your liquidity.

Liquid Ally’s free Liquidity Assessment won’t just determine your liquidity ratios–it will help you get on the path to a stronger, healthier business.


Make smart decisions

When you know your liquidity ratios, you can make informed decisions about your business now and in the future. You can also create a benchmark to compare your numbers with your competitors and see opportunities for growth.


Reduce your risk

The less liquid you are, the more difficult and expensive financing becomes. Keeping track of your liquidity helps you lower your potential risk. Just like knowing your credit score, knowing your liquidity ratios gives you the chance to improve over time.


Avoid insolvency

The last thing you want is an emergency to arise and not have the liquidity to cover it–putting you at risk for restructuring, bankruptcy, or even going out of business. Carefully managing your liquidity will help you be prepared for whatever comes next.

Discover Trouble Spots and Areas of Opportunity

It all starts with knowing (and understanding) your liquidity.

Everything is in order!

“I see people every day who need financing but don’t have everything together–their numbers are a mess, they’re unprepared, and their risk is just too high. I love working with Liquid Ally’s clients–Pete makes sure everything is in order before anything crosses my desk. It simplifies the entire process for everyone. Even better, the risk is lower, so I can offer lower more lucrative financing options.”

James Golden

Don’t have the time or the resources to properly vet potential lenders?

Liquid Ally is a business financing broker who brings great lenders and lending options to the table for busy CFOs. We are ultimately compensated by the lender so it doesn’t cost the business anything for looking at the options we bring to the table. Our goal is to help great companies find great lenders so everybody wins.

Want to bounce your ideas off an expert before making financing choices?

Schedule your FREE Assessment